Paul Fuzz Presents: Flew In From Miami Beach BOAC
Monday, February 20, 2006
  Show Me The Magic Of Your Hollywood Song
The Baftas. Bit sniffy.
"I say, darlings. I've had a fabulous idea. Why don't we give those loutish Yanks a jolly good hiding and give every bally award to Brokeback Mountain! When they hear about our delightful ruse those redneck Hollywood homophobes will probably choke on their burger and fries! And while we're at it, let's get that fabulous Steven F in to create an atmosphere of open hostility towards LA film culture & an intolerable theatrical loviness which has absolutely nothing to do with MOVIES, and everthing to do with a West End superiority complex which only the most pretentious Anglophile Hollywood star buys into! Invade that, Uncle Sam!"

Steven Fry the Baftas are about 'films that make you think, not films that make you go out and buy the video game...' YO! GEORGE LUCAS! STEVE FRIZZLE JUST DISSED YOU ON LIVE TV LIKE A BITCH! YOU'VE BEEN PUNKED!

Shows how much Fry knows. The Brokeback Mountain X-Box game kicks ass. I just got to Zone 3: Copy The American Beauty Approach To Generating Slow-Burn Oscar Buzz For Vastly Overrated Pseudo-'Art House' Movie Zone.

(While I'm here...hiding behind our theatre heritage is really cowardly. WE ARE BAD AT FILMS. They wheeled on Patrick Stewart, as per, and we're all meant to applaud 'cos the dude's such a great British actor an' all, as long as we ignore the fact he's been payin' the bills for the last 15 years playing Picard & Prof Xavier in the most mainstream Hollywood movies imaginable, which is absolutely what he should be doin' mind you, hell, he ain't gonna make any bread hanging 'round this rain sodden country's jerkwater 'film industry...' what a snobby, hypocritcal, superior, self-deluded tone the Baftas takes.)

Well I quite enjoyed it....
I think you have to take the BAFTA's in the spirit they are offered.

Excessive self-congratulatory lewd self-mockery (S Fry), second-rate turning up-ness (several key absentees), and at least one surprise (the relative silence greeting Witherspoon's win - not helped by her absence - was almost hysterical): these are the features of the BAFTAs. I'm only amazed that they didn't do their usual trick of rewarding those british films that aren't expected to go on and win at the Oscars. In previous years The Constant Gardener would have been a shoe-in for the Film field. interesting that even in the Brit film category it didn't get that, but nice to see W&G getting through.

Mind, my biggest grouch was the screw-up that led to Munich not getting anything.

PS I really pray your Lucas remark/spoof wasn't in defence of "Return of the Sith" which did NO ONE any favours for demonstrating what film can be. And I love a bit of trash film.
I really pray your Lucas remark/spoof wasn't in defence of "Return of the Sith" which did NO ONE any favours for demonstrating what film can be.

See above.... haha.
Miss Lisa: Yeah...I'm pretty knee-jerk about excessive Britishness; see: Pulp bashing.

You're right of course; the BAFTAS is no place for a MOVIE fan, and it's wrongheaded of me to sit there waiting for Mr Fry to say 'Jeez, sure woulda been nice for 'Fantastic Four' to win something.'

That's frustrating to watch an event billed as a film awards ceremony whose general tone is that of barely concealed contempt for film.
Stop sitting on the fence so much!
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